United Nations Climate Change Conference - Bali 2007
UNlogo.jpgBiochar and charcoal carbon capture at the United Nations Climate Change Conference - Bali, 3 - 14 December 2007! (UNFCCC)

The Conference brought together representatives of over 180 countries together with observers from intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations, and the media.

UNCCD: Sustainable land management for adaptation to climate change
Presented by the UNCCD

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 "Sustainable land management is a key issue to address climate change in the post 2012 climate regime. A key item is biochar"

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin on the side (ENBOTS, pdf )
The Earth Negotiations Bulletin on the side (ENBOTS, html )
 MEA Bulletin
A newsletter on the activities of key multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) and their secretariats, Issue No. 38, Thursday, 20 December 2007, Published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)

UNCCD Side event at the United Nations Climate Change Conference Bali, 13 December 2007. more..

Format of the side event

                         UNCCD: Sustainable Land Management for Adaptation to Climate Change

Statements:       Mr. Luc Gnacadja Executive Secretary UNCCD (pdf )

                           H. E. Ms. Cristina Narbona, Minister of Environment of Spain,
                           President of the UNCCD COP (pdf)

                           H. E. Ms. Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development (pdf )


Harnessing the results in a sustainable loop that enhances adaptation to and mitigation of climate change effort in synergistic ways that also help achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

An overview of naturally occurring soil carbon, its depletion and how to redress this trend. The origin of Terra Preta soils and how their replication could have the most significant impact on the achievement of the targets of the World Food Summit.

Soil charcoal amendments: maintaining soil fertility, reducing soil vulnerability, and establishing a carbon sink

Pictures of the event (next)

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 Cristina Narbona, Minister of Environment, Spain, and UNCCD COP 8 President
Luc Gnacadja, UNCCD Executive Secretary
Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Minister of Development, Germany
 "...immediate action on activities related to carbon sinks and increased land productivity,..."
 ".. examine and act on linkages between land degradation and climate change.  GHG emission reductions from agriculture, land use and vegetation have received insufficient attention."
 Goodspeed Kopolo, UNCCD Secretariat, listed benefits of biochar as a carbon sink under the CDM, noting that additionality and permanence of sequestration are assured and the baseline is simple.
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 He described actions required for biochar to be recognized under the CDM.  Wolfgang Zech, University of Bayreuth
 He emphasized that land degradation affects all continents,
 and described the positive effects of charcoal on improving soil organic matter and land productivity, and sequestering carbon.
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 Christoph Steiner, University of Georgia
 "...the use of charcoal as soil amendment is not new"
 carbon negative energy
 global research and developments
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 Slash and Char as Alternative to Slash and Burn
 International Biochar Initiative (IBI)
   Photos: Christina Steiner-Berghammer